Our ‘Budding Beekeeper’ workshops are a four-part, online, theory based course with optional add-on of two practical sessions, aimed at beginners who have an interest in becoming a beekeeper or are just looking for a more in-depth look into bees and the role of a beekeeper.
Ticket price includes ALL 4 of the following dates:
- Tuesday 26th October
- Tuesday 2nd November
- Tuesday 8th November
- Tuesday 15th November.
Event runs 6.30pm-7.30pm on all dates via Zoom.
Optional add on of 2 practical sessions:
Spring 2022* in Islip, NN14 3LQ.
Practical beekeeping is a seasonal activity, the hive can not be opened if the weather conditions are deemed: too cold, wet, windy or any other condition that would put the bees at risk. More specific dates will be confirmed early Spring 2022.
Topics covered include:
- How to narrow-down 267 UK bee species into three categories.
- The different types of honey bee, the job roles they have both in and outside the hive and what makes a successful colony.
- The structure of a beehive and how it works in harmony with both the bees and the beekeeper.
- The role of a beekeeper and what happens during a hive inspection.
- Swarm prevention and control
- Pests & diseases – what they are and how can we reduce the risks?
- Honey bees and pollination: one small flower for bees, one giant feast for human-kind!
- Bee of the week! A bee-related fact or story that has inspired my beekeeping journey.
- And much more… including quick, practical tips you can follow at home to create a better environment for our buzzers.
Optional add-on of 2x practical sessions at the hives:
After you have completed your theory sessions, you will be invited to get up close and personal with the bees during a hive inspection.
You’ll get the opportunity to get into a beekeepers suit and take a closer look at the inner workings of the colony. Learn how to light a smoker, find out it’s purpose and use it during your hive inspection. See the worker bees buzzing around and completing their duties and the Queen reigning over her colony.
- £50 for 4x theory sessions
- Additonal £25 for optional add on of 2x practical sessions at the hives
(Please note: this price does not include Eventbrite’s booking fee)
Theory only – 4x 1 hour sessions, 6.30pm-7.30pm on the following dates:
- Tuesday 26th October
- Tuesday 2nd November
- Tuesday 8th November
- Tuesday 15th November.
Practical – 2x 1 hour sessions
Dates and times TBC*
- Theory – Zoom video call (internet access required)
- Practical – Islip, NN14 3LQ
*In the event that the weather is unsuitable to complete a practical session, another date will be provided. If this date is unsuitable for you, you will be offered a refund of £12.50 per practical session. Cancelations within 7 days prior to the course date will not be refunded.
Please note: There is a slight incline to gain access to the hives (accessible by approx 6 steps or a ramp), if you have mobility issues and would like further information regarding this, please contact Rachel: hello@wingsandradicles.co.uk
Wings & Radicles do not advise you to participate in the practical sessions at the hive if you have any known allergies to insect bites/stings. If you have any other allergies that require you to have an epipen, please seek professional medical advice before booking onto our course. Wings & Radicles are not liable for any accident, injury or illness caused by bee stings. You will be asked to sign a waiver of liability before participation in the practical sessions. If you do not agree to sign the waiver of liability you will not be able to participate in the practical element of the course.
All equipment will be provided on the day.